Already long Before
Already long before
Chapels and churches stood
There stood the „dolmens” and „menhirs”,
The grave tomb from giant stones
The high pillar from row rock.
Already long before
One „dolmen” stood and one „menhir”,
Mother grave and mother pillar,
Her water sprang up out from the earth,
Was there Her Source, her brook, and stream.
Already long before
There were other celebrations
They celebrated the water miracle
And honored every rich source,
Celebrating Her great gift.
Generously springs Water from Her Earth Womb
And freely rains from Her Heavenly Breast.
Sacred remained these places, venerated,
To lavish and refresh my tongue and heart
Keeping up my courage.
Already long before
There were „dolmens” and „menhirs”,
Chapels stood and churches,
Came water from the Earth,
Sprang sources, broke and stream
And emptied She Her High Breasts.