As the Little Womb
As the little womb from which I came,
As the small door by which I entered,
You stand tall, Exit from Earthen Womb.
Out of the dark birthed You the light
And all the live birthed You forth from You.
To here I return back and see all
What came and comes from the Earth:
It grows and lives, runs and jumps,
And grieves and dances and finds another
And brings itself forth from itself.
From Earth I exist and exists my body,
From Water, mineral, plant and animal.
Not on Earth do I stand,
In the Earth do I stand, live and be.
Into the Earth do I return.
Cremated or not matters not much.
To my mother and father I return,
Who, after strife, are again one in their kind.
From North to South en East to West
You accompany my European travel.