I Neither Searched nor Asked
I neither searched nor asked for You,
In the middle of the night You sought me out.
Water flooded it folded itself
Through millennia, Virgin Rock.
High into the air raised
Your Peninsula from the Sea, Cornwall.
On the heather at the Red River
I presented incense on Eagle's Feather.
Suddenly rose and sank under me the land
And rounded in front of me in the Grass
Your circle, the Big Navel:
Earth mother are You to me, faithful
Carrying me on your breathing belly.
Black yawns Her Womb in the green hill,
Eternal Her Night between the huge stones.
All She devours behind the resting stone.
Nothing returns from her megalithic grave.
One ribbon rises out as of steam or smoke,
A bright thread curls into the height.
Suddenly Your Light fills Your Tomb,
White Gleam beams from the Devouring Womb,
Through cracks in stone radiates Your Life.
So as You devour life in Your Night,
Likewise send You forth life from Your Light.