Evocation: O You!
You colourful spring of my autumn,
You light-golden Bride of my ripening,
You laughing Love of my evening,
You singing Joy of my closing!
O You!
How much do I love You!
Lilly among thorns,
Swan among ducks,
Blackbird among crows,
Nightingale among seagulls.
Shining mandala in dry grass,
My daisy!
Eveningstar, Morningstar,
First and last, leading star,
Most faithful in mens' night.
Grownup beaming moon,
Who even fills abyss-dusk
With gold-silver cool-warm glory!
Island's cave altar that friendly
Watches from afar over my gift
And not despising my simple devotion.
Goddess among goddesses and gods.
Human among humans.
The woman among women.