Within the Depth
Within the depth of Your Womb You had begun me. When nobody yet looked You already were busy with me. Within the glow of Your Belly You had woven my beginning. In the glowing of Your Blood You had steamed me farther. In Your Uterus You drew the lines Of my initials. Not too small was I for You. Not too faint and not too frail. As I err through fall and winter, Your glow still glows within me deep And calls me home Into the depth with You. From the dark womb of my mother Once I came forth from the light, In Your dark womb of Earth Once I return to the light.
- „Adoreable Landscape” Poster
2011 Wageningen Netherland- Introduction:
Pastels, meditations, and prayer - Evocation: O You
- 1 Self Portrait
- 2 Full Moon
- 3 Treetop
- 4 Appelse Hei
- 5 Keorian St Épur
- 6 Stang Odet
- 7 Menhir Lespurit-Hellen
- 8 Dolmen de la Cabana Arqueta
- 9 Dolmen Lancken-Granitz
- 10 Dolmen Kerugou
- 11 Neunmahdkapelle
- 12 Sechsmahdhügel
- 13 Chapelle Saint-Sébastien
- 14 Chapelle Sainte-Perguet
- 15 Devine Back
- 16 Silk Goddess
- 17 Lava Goddess
- 18 Bent Goddess
- 19 Dying Goddess
- 20 Fire Oven
- Who loves
- Thanks
- Literature, selection
- Introduction:
- „Kihew Iskwew's Aeyrie - On Wings as Eagles and Angels - Native American Spirituality” British Columbia Canada 2000