„A true gift of love always contains a personal sacrifice.”
Maureen Murdock, „Vaders dochter”, page 222
Symbolon, Amstelveen, 2009
(Back-translation fk)
The exhibition „Adorable Landscape” came about thanks to the help, inspiration and support from people who deserve my gratitude:
My way too early deceased father passed on his talent to me and encouraged early attempts. At the Art School in Vienna among others Fritz Martinz taught me first steps. Arik Brauer, Ernst Fuchs, Rudolf Hausner and still others inspired me early through their work.
Thanks to the generous support, encouragement and patience of Mrs. Olga Langemeijer and her family, after a long time I began to paint again. She also introduced me to the Jungian ideas that help me to understand myself, others, human history and human nature better. Jungian view on man is crucial to understand this small exhibition.
Mr. Sjaak Driessen, director of „de bblthk” in Wageningen, saw something in the theme of „Adorable Landscape” and provided the space and Mrs. Yvette van Hasselt accompanied the practical preparation.
Mrs. Roekel-Van Hees helped with the selection of the paintings, their framing and transportation. Mrs. Klara Uleman with her singing and Mrs. Marlies van Gent made with her piano play took care for an unforgettable vernissage on January 7, 2011.
Mr. Van der Herberg patiently encouraged me and helped with suspending and transporting the paintings. To the reflection with him about my work I owe important insights.
Last but not least, in the class at Mrs. Paula Vermeulen I could exercise again for one year my eye, hand and soul in the perception and representation of the human nude. Of her models, I particularly thank „Aga” and „Martha”.
To all them, and to still others unmentioned here, I express my heartfelt thanks!
Franz Kalab