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A2 List of Recorded Interviews

During the three visits I recorded fifty instances for the study, ten in 1995, fifteen in 1996 and twenty-five in 1997. With various respondents I could speak several times, with some in intervals of more than a year. Twenty-one of the thirty-four respondents were leaders in a group, thirteen were members, twenty-seven were men and seven women. I had equal respondents, twelve, of type (aleph) and (gimel), from type (beth) eight, from type (daleth) two. Besides these, I interviewed one Orthodox outsider twice, once in 1996 and again in 1997. I recorded also services in different congregations, and one discussion group.

List of Recorded Interviews

Respondent 1995 1996 1997 Leader Member Male  Female  Aleph ℵ Beth ℶ Gimel ℷ Daleth ℸ Total
1111L     3
21  L     1
311 L     2
41 1L     2
5132L     6
61 1 M    2
71 1 M    2
81 1L     2
91  L     1
101  L     1
11 11 M    2
12 1  M    1
13 1  M    1
14 1 L     1
15 11L     2
16 1   M    1
17 1  M    1
18 2 L     2
19 1 L     1
20  2L     2
21  1 M    1
22  1L     1
23  1L     1
24  1 M    1
25  1 M    1
26  1L     1
27  1L     1
28  1L     1
29  1L     1
30  1L     1
31  1 M    1
32  1 M    1
33  1L     1
34  1 M    1