2.1 The non-Charismatic Ecclesiastical Type
The non-charismatic ecclesiastical type of Messianic Jewish congregation can ideal-typically be regarded as a Hebrew Christian church. First attempts to create a Hebrew church in language and culture in Israel at least date from the last century (26/97). Some call themselves by the name „Meshichit Jehudim”, „Messianic Jews”, but define it as evangelical (Benhayim 1996: 53).
Abroad, they prefer being called and being understood as „Hebrew Christians” (8/95, 8/97). The varying meanings applied to the attribute „Messianic Jewish” cause dissent within type ℵ (aleph) and ℶ (beth), and with types ℷ (gimel) and ℸ (daleth). Being a symbol, the attribute does „not so much express meaning”, but holds „the capacity to make meaning” (Cohen 1985: 15).